16 Mar

Substance abuse, commonly referred to as drug abuse, is the use of drugs in a way or amount that is harmful to the user or other people. Substances are mainly used to alter mood, including alcohol, illegal drugs, and other legal drugs.Substance abuse impairs health and other social functions from mild to severe hence there are several treatment methods available in rehabilitation centers to help treat this addiction. Mild substance abuse can be treated in a health care system, while the severe use that involves dependence requires special treatment. Addiction affects crucial areas of a person’s life, including the ability to socialize, work and interact effectively with family members; hence individualized treatment is the best approach because it identifies the underlying cause and treatments required.

Mental health evaluation and counseling is the first step during substance abuse treatment before other treatment options follow. The treatment options include detoxification, inpatient rehabilitation, and outpatient rehabilitation. During this evaluation and counseling, individuals who are under the influence of drug addiction work one-on-one with the clinicians in safe, confidential, and caring environments. The sessions involve a lot of counseling that focuses on the individual’s future concerns and the immediate ones. This step increases an individual’s self-awareness, helps them identify boundaries, and enhances communication skills and self-exploration.Detoxification is the subsequent essential therapy utilized after mental health is evaluated and the cause of addiction and behavioral changes have been established. Substance Abuse treatment Lincolnton NC is medically managed to help the patient stabilize and overcome withdrawal symptoms from alcohol and drug use. The program usually lasts for some days to weeks, depending on the individual who is undergoing substance abuse treatment.

When the patient becomes stable, inpatient rehabilitation follows.Inpatient rehabilitation is also referred to as residential rehabilitation. This approach involves supervised treatment from licensed professionals and structured care plans to curb their addiction. They last from weeks to several months. Inpatient rehabilitation will end depending on how the individual will respond to this program. The licensed professionals monitor patients 24/7, observing their behavioral and mental changes before the program ends.Finally, during substance abuse treatment, the patient undergoes an outpatient rehabilitation program which is usually intensive. Treatment is done at any abuse treatment center or a clinic affiliated with any hospital regularly. Some of these programs are not offered at a specific time to allow the patient to engage in other social or personal responsibilities.

Patients can also attend these programs while going to their workplaces without interfering with their schedule because they can be offered at night. After all the therapy programs are over, patients undergo recovery programs, thus meeting with other recovered patients.The licensed professionals contact an open recovery meeting after substance abuse treatment that helps bring people from different recovery therapies. These meetings are important because they reflect personal strengths and acknowledge that every person's path is unique and matters a lot in their mental health afterward. They also offer social support because the recovery patients connect with other patients who maintain a recovery lifestyle.

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